EBM technology consists of manufacturing parts (layer by layer) by means of a cathode fed at 60,000 V which projects electrons onto the areas to be melted.

The process of creating the part is carried out in a vacuum working chamber at a temperature of approximately 700-900ᵒC.

Thanks to this, the parts created during the process have no internal stresses and the properties obtained are superior to those that can be obtained in a foundry.



Minimum wall thickness 1 mm
Minimal detail to be reproduced 0,6 mm
Precision 0,3% (min +/- 0,25)
Maximum part size 210 * 210 * 210 mm
Layer thickness 0,050 mm



If you wish to include customised texts in your EBM pieces, please follow our recommendations.

If the text is to be engraved internally, higher print parameters must be set.


Embossed text

hmin 0,8 mm     emin 0,5 mm     Hmin 0,8 mm


Engraved text

hmin 1 ,6 mm     emin 1,2 mm     Hmin 4,5 mm



In the Direct Metal Laser Sintering technology it is necessary to build supports that help sustain the piece and transmit the heat provided to the base. The technical team of the project will be in charge of removing them.

Examples of EBM supports

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